Our Import Prouct Range


Urea (Prilled)

Urea (Prilled)

Enriched with abundant nitrogen, Urea is a powerhouse for promoting vigorous growth, lush foliage, and robust plant development. It’s a key ally for ensuring that your plants reach their full potential.

Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)

Packed with high levels of phosphorous, TSP acts as a catalyst for building strong root systems, encouraging vibrant and bountiful flowering. It’s the essential ingredient for blooming success.

Muriate of Potash (MOP)

Muriate of Potash (MOP)

With a generous supply of potassium, MOP becomes the secret weapon in your arsenal, imparting drought resistance, elevating fruit quality, and fortifying overall plant vitality. Your plants will thrive with this potassium-rich booster.


    Sulphate of Ammonia (SOA)

    A perfect blend of nitrogen and sulfur, SOA serves as a dynamic duo, enhancing nutrient uptake, optimizing plant metabolic processes, and contributing to the foundation of a thriving garden.

    Magnesium Sulphate Monohydrate (KIE)

    With its core ingredient being magnesium, KIE is the answer to enhancing photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, and overall plant health. It’s like giving your plants a nutritional boost from the inside out.

    Zinc Sulphate

    Fueling the engines of enzymatic activity, Zinc Sulphate is the key to balanced growth, fortifying plants against stress, and promoting a garden that stands resilient in the face of challenges.

    Commercial Epsom Salt (CES)

    A unique blend of magnesium and sulfur, CES not only enriches the soil but also facilitates the smooth movement of nutrients within plants. Your garden will thank you with enhanced vitality.


      Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

      Striking a perfect nitrogen-phosphorous balance, DAP lays the foundation for robust root systems, lush flowering, and abundant fruiting. Your plants will be set on a path to flourish.

      Sulphate of Potash (SOP)

      As a potent source of potassium, SOP ensures that your plants stand tall and strong, excelling in water uptake, producing high-quality fruits, and presenting an overall picture of health and vitality.


      A micronutrient with macro impact, Borate plays a pivotal role in shaping cell division, seed development, and the structural integrity of your plants. It’s the small but mighty component that keeps your garden thriving.


      With a perfect blend of calcium and magnesium, Dolomite steps in as the soil’s pH manager, ensuring that your plants enjoy the optimal nutrient availability they deserve. It’s a cornerstone for maintaining a balanced environment.

      Rock Phosphate

      Rock Phosphate

      Abundant in phosphorous, Rock Phosphate acts as the backbone for root establishment, budding, and a flourishing garden. It’s like gifting your plants the building blocks they need to thrive and prosper.

      Fertilizers for All crop Varieties


      Sri Lanka’s Ceylon Cinnamon is renowned for its exceptional quality, flavor, and aroma, backed by a long-standing reputation in the international market. Our coconuts are organically grown in handpicked estates, adhering to strict health standards.


      Elevate your tea plantations with our expertly balanced fertilizers. Our formulas are designed to coax out the finest flavors from tea leaves, fostering a legacy of exceptional brews and satisfied tea enthusiasts.


      Rubber trees require care and precision, which is where our specialized fertilizers shine. They infuse rubber trees with nutrients crucial for latex production, ensuring steady supply chains and robust rubber output.


      The iconic coconut palm deserves the best, which is why our tailored fertilizers enrich the soil around these palms. Our formulas pave the way for luscious coconuts that contribute to tropical traditions and nourishing delights.


        Up-Country Vegetables

        Amidst high-altitude challenges, our custom blends of fertilizers offer a lifeline to up-country vegetables. Each formulation is a testament to resilience, fostering robust growth and elevating the nutritional value of mountain-grown produce.

        Low Country Vegetable

        Low-Country Vegetables

        The lush lowlands are home to a variety of veggies, and our specialized blends cater to their unique needs. These fertilizers empower low-country vegetables to flourish, filling markets and homes with vibrant, fresh goodness.



        From orchards to backyard trees, our comprehensive fruit fertilizers are designed to invigorate growth. The result? Luscious fruits with enhanced taste and nutrition, becoming a source of delight and nourishment for all.



        Coconut is used for its water, milk, oil, and tasty meat. Coconuts have been grown in tropical regions for more than 4,500 years but recently increased in popularity for their amazing flavor, culinary uses, and potential health benefits.



          Potatoes are a dietary staple, and our customized fertilizers ensure they flourish. Our formulas unlock the potential of every potato plant, resulting in hearty tubers that contribute to comforting meals worldwide.

          Red onion

          Red Onion

          Red onions owe their vibrancy and flavor to our specialized fertilizers. With careful nurturing, our formulations yield healthy bulbs that enhance cuisines and bring a pop of color to dishes.

          Big Onion

          The king of onions deserves the royal treatment, and our fertilizers deliver. Cultivated with our blends, big onions thrive, showcasing their robustness and enriching culinary creations.




            Amidst sprawling fields, our maize fertilizers empower corn plants to reach for the sky. These blends encourage sturdy stalks and abundant corn cobs, making maize a cornerstone of global agriculture and diets.


              Dry Foods

              Green Gram

              Renowned for its high protein content and nutritional value, Green Gram finds its way into a myriad of dishes, adding a wholesome touch to soups, curries, and salads. Its versatility makes it a cherished ingredient for both health-conscious meals and indulgent treats.

              Dried Sprats

              Dried Sprats

              A beloved snack and flavor-enhancer, Dried Sprats infuse dishes with a distinctive savory note, while their protein-packed goodness makes them an ideal accompaniment to various cuisines. From salads to stir-fries, they lend a delicious punch to every bite.



              A nutritional powerhouse, Cowpea stands as a staple ingredient that spans culinary cultures. Its delightful texture and mild flavor make it a perfect companion to stews, casseroles, and rice dishes, offering a touch of wholesomeness to every meal.


              Beyond its role in sweetening dishes, Sugar is a catalyst for creating delectable desserts and beverages that satisfy the sweet tooth. From baked goods to morning coffee, it transforms moments into delightful experiences.


              Boasting a delightful crunch and robust nutritional profile, Groundnuts, or peanuts, are a source of energy and essential nutrients. Whether enjoyed as a snack, tossed into salads, or ground into spreads, they bring a satisfying and flavorful element to the table.



              A symbol of plant-based protein prowess, Chickpeas find their way into salads, curries, and snacks. Their nutty flavor and creamy texture elevate dishes with their satiating qualities, making them a go-to choice for hearty and nutritious meals.

              Dry Chili

              Dry Chilies

              A cornerstone of global cuisines, Dry Chilies offer more than just heat – they infuse dishes with complexity and depth of flavor. From adding a kick to curries to enhancing marinades, they play a pivotal role in elevating culinary experiences.


              As a culinary canvas, Rice is a grain cherished for its versatility. From being the base of comforting bowls to enhancing elaborate feasts, its ability to absorb flavors and complement various ingredients makes it a timeless and universal staple.


              Revered for its rich protein content, Dhal takes the center stage in nourishing soups, stews, and curries. Its ability to bring a hearty, comforting element to dishes ensures its place in countless kitchens, offering sustenance and satisfaction.